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Writer's pictureDavid Paccia

Tret Fure

Updated: 18 hours ago

Singer-Songwriter Q&A

How old were you when you started playing guitar?

11 years old.

What was your first guitar? Did you buy it yourself?

Gibson Hummingbird. My father bought it for me

Tret with Spencer Davis and Andy Way - "The Spencer Davis Trio" (1972)

Do you still have it?


Did your parents or grandparents play any instruments?

No but my mother was a big band singer.

What are the guitars that you play?

Collings, Martin D-45, Martin CEO-6, Guild 12-string.

Do you have a favorite? If so, why is it your favorite?

Collings. It sings to me.

What strings do you use (brands and gauges)? How often do you change your strings?

Do you use a pick? If so, what brand and thickness?

Sometimes but mostly bare hand. I use Jim Dunlop 1 mm when I do.

Photo credit: Diane Litke

Do you use any effect pedals?

I use a Zoom box.

Do you work on your own guitars or do you bring them to a guitar tech? Are there any guitar techs that you would like to recommend?

I take my small adjustments to Larry Berwald who is a great guitar tech. For major repairs, I take my guitars to Jack Cowardin. I recommend both of these techs.

Larry Berwald's Rosewood Guitar Repair

Jack Cowardin's Restoration Music

Do you have a favorite guitar shop? What makes it a good shop?

Not really.

At what age did you start writing songs?


What is your songwriting process? Is it the music or the lyrics that usually come to you first? Do you write old school on paper, or electronically?

Both, it depends on the song, though as I age I tend to write lyrics first more often. The best songs are the ones where it all comes together. I start on paper but as I cut and paste, I move to my computer.

Who are the top three musicians or bands that have had a major influence on you?

Judy Collins, Joni Mitchell and James Taylor. I learned my guitar styles from all of them.

If you could jam with one person, living or dead, who would it be?

I don't really jam so can't really answer this question

What are your top three “desert island” albums?

Secularia - Eliza Gilkyson, Sylvia Hotel - Cheryl Wheeler, The White Album - the Beatles

What was the first concert you attended?

Newport Folk Festival – 1969

What was the last concert you attended?

Cheryl Wheeler - Photo credit: Jake Jacobson

The Beatles or the Stones?


Where and when was your first paid gig?

1967 in Marquette.

How much did you make?

I don't know I was 16!

What has been the highlight of your musical career so far?

What has been your worst gig so far and why? (You don’t have to name names).

Black Mountain, NC. The producer went home and I didn't have anyone to introduce me

What are some of the venues you enjoy performing at the most?

The Eighth Step in Schenectady, Linden Tree in Wakefield, MA, WSSS in Mequon, WI, UU of Ann Arbor, MI.

What things make the venue enjoyable for the performer (location, equipment, setup, organizers)?

Sound system, organizers, audience.

Photo credit: Brian Johnsons

How do you work out your setlist?

I create one for the current tour usually from my latest CDs.

Is there any advice you wish someone had given you when you were first starting out in the music business?

Not really. I've always followed my heart.

Do you have any suggestions for a guitarist or songwriter who might be stuck in a musical rut?

Listen to other artists, other songs.

If you weren’t a singer-songwriter, what would you be doing for work?

I'd be a chef.

Please list some of your upcoming shows, plug your music and provide links to your merchandise.

Website -

Merchandise -


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